winmin.in (www.winmin.in) ships its products to almost all parts of India. winmin has a transparent and clear shipping policy for all orders placed on our website. Confirmed Orders placed will be shipped within 48 hrs. Our products will be shipped on all days except Sunday, National Holidays and State Govt. Holidays.
For all areas serviced by reputed couriers, the delivery time will be within 3 to 5 business days of shipping. However items weighing over 3 Kg or high volume may take a couple of days longer to reach. For other areas, the products will be shipped through Indian Postal Service and may take 1-2 weeks to get delivered depending on the location.
We will mail you the courier details to your email address. In case you do not receive a mail from us within 48 hours of placing an order please check your junk folder. Tracking may not appear online for up to another 24 hours in some cases, so please wait until your package is scanned by the courier company.
To know about the shipping status of your order, please write us to info@winmin.in